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About Joe

Joe E. Holman is a Gen-Xer with a unique career path, having been a minister, a car salesman (much the same thing), a writer, and business manager.

A Risk Manager by Day and angry film critic by night, Joe has been frothing at the mouth over cinema since 2002, and in that time, has amassed a decent viewership across three different sites.

In 2002, Joe wrote "Laws for Living: A Collection of Facts, Tips, and Truths for Everyday Life." And in 2003, his first real claim to Z-list celeb status came from defecting from Christian fundamentalism and writing a book about it (the now out-of-print "Project Bible Truth").

In 2013, his weight loss of 173 lbs in 11 months became the new thing, with a YouTube channel, OMAD Revolution, set up to tell the story. Joe's often somber siren songs of wisdom come from many sources and are often rooted in dark origins.

In a way, Joe is the wannabe villain, but hero despite himself. He is Jonah - running from God, but is brought back again - but ultimately finds himself amidst the chaos. And the final chapter for Joe...well, it hasn't been written yet!
